01387 253058


Please find details below of St Michael’s Junior Road Safety Officers.

  Over the coming year, we look forward to organising different competitions and working with all classes throughout the year to highlight the importance of Road Safety.


  JRSOs 2024-2025




 Parking/Road Safety – Issues


As you are all very much aware, in the mornings and at the end of the school day the traffic around our school can become very congested. The safety of our children is paramount and therefore I would request that those who are travelling by car, park in an appropriate and safe place whilst dropping off and picking up your child.


Please can I also remind everyone that it is extremely important that no one parks their car on the yellow zig-zag lines or on double yellow lines, as the Community Police Officers, who regularly patrol the area will have no option but to issue you with a parking ticket, with a minimum fine of £30.00.


Here are this years JRSO’S (Junior Road Safety Officers) they are in charge making sure everyone is aware of how to keep themselves safe out in our local community, they also organise and collect data for Walk to School Week.  If you have any concerns you would liked passed on to our JRSO’S Abbie, Chandana or George Y then please contact the school office on 01387 253058