01387 253058

Children Playing

Welcome to St. Michael’s Primary School

Our Motto: Reach for the Stars!

Reach for the Stars!Welcome to our web site which is intended to support the communication that already exists between home and school, where the focus is very much on teamwork, with everyone doing all that they can to allow our children to work to their full potential.

I hope you will let us know if there are any aspects of school life about which you would like further details on the site. This has details of phone numbers and staff members. You can email myself or the school office with any questions or concerns.

At St Michael’s Primary we aim to provide a secure, supportive and friendly environment in which the children will develop skills and experiences, which will allow them to reach their full potential. I believe that your support and understanding are vital to this aim. Together, I hope we can work towards ensuring that each child’s school days are educationally rewarding and happy ones.

We have an active Parent Council  who will invite you to become involved in the life of the school. You are, of course, automatically a member of the Parent Forum. You are most welcome to make arrangements to visit the school should you have any queries or concerns.

Hilary Thomson