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Class: Primary 6 – 2024/25 activities

Welcome to the Primary 6 webpage. We will update our page over the coming year with lots of events and activities. The most recent one will be at the top of this page, so it’s easier to find.


Primary 6 have enjoyed settling back into school and learning new routines for the year ahead. We are all looking forward to engaging in the wide range of fun activities and learning opportunities together.


Term 2:

P6 – Term 2 Overview for Parents & Families

P6 Multi-sports Football Session

P6 and P7 Into Film Festival Screening

The Primary 6 and 7 pupils really enjoyed their trip to the Robert Burns Cinema and were grateful for the lovely weather for their walk to get there! It was very interesting to watch a video of Michael Morpurgo talking about his book and they all thoroughly enjoyed watching the film.

“The film was different from the book but I still really enjoyed it” – Bethany (P7)

“The story was very heartfelt and I enjoyed the film” – Callum (P7)

 “The animation and the story were beautiful but there were some very emotional parts of the story too” – Maeve (P7)

We would all like to say thank you to Miss Bodell for organising this trip and helping us out on the day.


St Andrew’s Day

It was lovely to see so many of our pupils wearing a ‘Touch of Tartan’, or in some cases a great deal of Tartan to celebrate St Andrew’s Day on Thursday of this week.  The whole school was very colourful and certainly and made us all feel very patriotic.  We also celebrated with some traditional Scottish shortbread, washed down with some Irn Bru!

To support awareness of this special day our Pupil Council arranged an ‘in-house’ art competition for each class. They have been learning about the myth of the Wild Haggis and producing a drawing of what we think it might look like! Our Pupil Council are now busy judging the entries and will announce the winners in each class at next week’s Assembly.

Author visit – Alistair Chisholm
Mrs Robinson and our Primary 5 Languages Committee secured a fully funded author visit through the Big Dog Festival. Yesterday, on Tuesday 26th November, we welcomed well-renowned children’s author, Alistair Chisholm, to St Michael’s Primary School where he held a workshop for the Primary 5 and 6 children.

World Children’s Day – 20th November (by Callum P7 and Kayda P7)

Thank you to everyone who came to school wearing blue to celebrate World Children’s Day. The school was a sea of blue colours on Wednesday and it was fun to see what everyone chose to wear (Kayda). It is important to see everyone raise awareness for World Children’s Day and it was amazingly fun to celebrate children and their rights (Callum).

P2 & P6 Trip to Kirkcudbright Dark Space Planetarium 

On Thursday, Primary 2 and Primary 6 visited the Dark Space Planetarium in Kirkcudbright. Whilst at the Dark Space Planetarium, both classes enjoyed a visit to the planetarium where they got to explore the planets, stars and moons in our solar system and learned some interesting facts about each of the planets. Afterwards, they watched a film about how satellites can help us take better care of our planet. Each class also explored the exhibitions to get a sense of what it would be like working as an astronaut in space. They looked at different constellations, had a go with some space gloves and watched some videos of rocket launches. All pupils were very well behaved and were a credit to our school. Well done, Primary 2 and Primary 6!

World of Work Week  11th – 15th November 2024

Term 1:

P6 – Term 1 Overview for Parents & Families

Primary 6 – Transition Basketball Tournament 

On Monday Primary 6 attended a basketball tournament at Dumfries Academy as part of their transition to secondary school.   The pupils had a super time trying out new skills and playing with other schools in the cluster, they are all looking forward to the next event planned for December, more information to follow.  Also congratulations to Amina, Kaitlin, Lennox, Kyro, Perez and Rena whose team achieved First Place overall! WELL DONE!

This was the first of four events being organised and we will need helpers for the following dates (20/12/23, 20/03/24 and 29/05/24).

Primary 6 Full Day Trip – Garden of Cosmic Speculation (Portrack)

On Thursday 26th September, Primary 6 visited the Garden of Cosmic Speculation near Holywood. The visit was based around STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, Mathematics) and included a guided tour of the garden, interspersed with group tasks for pupils to complete on the way round. There were explanations of several scientific and mathematical concepts that relate to landforms and structures within the garden such as fractals, quarks, black holes, DNA and the Fibonacci Spiral. P6 pupils had a fantastic time, enjoyed all of the activities and asked inquisitive questions throughout. A big thank you to our helper Mrs Bodell (Miss Bodell’s Mum) and to Wendy, the trip leader, for making such a special day possible and to Miss Urquhart for organising!

Maths Week 2024

Primary 2 and Mrs Glendinning have been very busy planning some fun and exciting activities for Maths Week which will run from Monday 23rd September to Friday 27th September. Each class will have a learning event which will either take place in the hall or in their classroom.

We were thrilled so many parent/carers from each class were able to join us for these learning events.  

Primary 5 and Primary 6 Ewart Library Visit

Primary 5 and Primary 6 visited the Ewart Library on Monday 9th September to help celebrate the library’s 120th birthday. This involved a tour of the library hosted by the Mostly Ghostly team. The children had a fantastic day and enjoyed celebrating with the staff at the Ewart Library.


Meet the Teacher PowerPoint –

Please see below the Meet the Teacher Power-Point from the Primary 6 Class Teacher so that you can put a face to the name and also be aware of other individuals who may be in supporting the class during the week. This Power Point also shares with you information on the work being covered this session and provides information on the organisation of the work regarding Homework, Journey Books, PE etc.

Class teachers will continue their regular communication to keep connected and share with you the learning and teaching taking place in your child’s class and the Home/School Diaries are also there for your use to support strong communication links between home and school.

Nevertheless, if you have any concerns or queries, at any time, please contact the school to arrange a meeting, so that matters can be dealt with promptly.  Our policy is to deal with any worries or concern you or your child may have quickly for ease of mind.

P6 Meet Teacher Powerpoint 2024 – 2025



Primary 6 August 2023

“Primary 6 have settled into class brilliantly. We are looking forward to continuing on our learning journey and having lots of fun together.”

Primary 6 Journey Book


School Year 2023/24 activities

Term 4:

P6 – Term 4 2023 Overview for Parents & Families

Primary 6 Trip to Dumfries Police Station

Primary 6 were lucky to be able to attend a visit to Dumfries Police Station on Wednesday 12th June. We were shown around the station by PC Wilson who told us lots of interesting information about the role of police officers in our local community. We visited the CCTV room, the police museum, the cells and we had the chance to sit in the police van. Finally, we all had our fingerprints taken and had a go at matching our fingerprints to four possible different types. Thank you very much to the staff at the police station for giving us this opportunity and to our parent helper for ensuring the trip could happen!


On Wednesday 8th May, our Primary 6 pupils will attended a full day class trip linked to their topic this term – The Victorians. They visited Dumfries Museum, Camera Obscura and Old Bridge House. Pupils learned about Victorian artefacts and took part in a Victorian games session in the afternoon. Please see a selection of photographs from this day on the school website, under classes and primary 6.


Our Cross Country Runners

Term 3:

P6 – Term 3 Overview for Parents & Families


K’Nex Challenge



Term 2:

P6 – Term 2 Overview for Parents & Families

Term 1:

P6 – Term 1 Overview for Parents & Families